
Papers & Conferences

  1. Jaehyung Lee, Hyeon Seok Seok, Oh-Seok Kwon, Hui-Nam Pak and Hangsik Shin, "Analyzing the Performance of a Convolutional Neural Network-based Atrial Fibrillation Classifier According to the Genetic Screening Thresholds," The 54th KIEE Summer Conference 2023, Yongpyong Resort, Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea, 12-15 Jul 2023
  2. Jaehyung Lee, Hyeon Seok Seok, Oh-Seok Kwon, Hui-Nam Pak and Hangsik Shin, "The Impact of Regularization Techniques on Convolutional Neural Network-based Genomic Study," KOSOMBE spring conference 2023, KMEDIhub, Daegu, Republic of Korea, 11-13 May 2023
  3. Jaehyung Lee, Changwon Wang, Hyeon Seok Seok, Oh-Seok Kwon, Hui-Nam Pak and Hangsik Shin, "GWASbased Atrial Fibrillation Identification Using DCNN," KOSOMBE autumn conference 2022, Paradise city Hotel, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 3-5 Nov 2022
  4. Jaehyung Lee, Changwon Wang, Hyeon Seok Seok, Oh-Seok Kwon, Hui-Nam Pak and Hangsik Shin, "GenomeWide Association Studies and Electronic Medical Record based Atrial Fibrillation Discriminat ion Using Ensemble Models," Conference on Information and Control Systems 2022(CICS), Alpensia Resort, Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea, 19-22 Oct 2022


  1. Best Poster Awards, 2022 AMIST Annual Conference, 2022

Participated Projects

  1. Development of AI Software as Medical Device for Management of Full-Cycle of Atrial Fibrillation Based on Cardiac Digital Twin
  2. Optimization and Clinical Verification of Software for Early Diagnosis and Prognosis of Atrial Fibrillation Integrating Gene, Electrocardiogram, and Clinical Information Based on Artificial Intelligence